Got Your Own Show or Podcast? You Can Add It To MediaPRSuccess
What is Media PR Success?
The Perfect Process for Searching, Contacting and Maintaining Your Prospects
We list thousands of media sources by category. You can see some of these categories on the left.
The media sources include radio shows, podcasts, youtube channels, and more. All media sources include the show's name, a description, their social media pages and most importantly, their contact information.
We offer you the ability to easily search through these media sources.
What is our biggest advantage? LISTS!
We offer you the facility to easily create lists of media sources that you would like to contact. And a process for creating emails to send to these lists. All emails may contains buttons (that you create) so that recipients can get more info, or download a PDF file or simply have a convenient way to reply.
Not only can you send an email, but you can also setup one (or many) followup emails to send based upon who opened your original email. All followup emails are sent automatically. All you need do is create your emails and Send. Then sit back and wait to see all your response.
We offer a comprehensive set of statistics so that you can view who opened your emails, who pressed buttons, and what percentages of sent emails have been clicked on.
Have a look around, and then signup to start building your contact lists today!